From the Chancellor: Dr. Ray Wallace
Dear Indiana University Southeast Friends:
This has been quite a year for all of us, and we are more grateful than ever for your ongoing support of our wonderful institution. I am quite proud of our students, who have shown remarkable resilience and determination despite adversity, and I praise our faculty and staff who continue to work hard to ensure our students have a great academic experience.
The Annual Report allows us to pause and reflect on the impact we have made on the lives of our students, in our community and on the world. As usual, this edition highlights just a few recent university accomplishments, recognizes the donors who have given back to our university through their philanthropic generosity and examines the financials of the institution and reports on enrollment and aid.
However, unlike past reports, in these pages, you will read the unique celebration of Indiana University’s bicentennial year. The university turned 200 on Jan. 20, 2020. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we held several special events and executed several projects at IU Southeast. You will also read about a generous grant that has helped advance STEM education on our campus, one of our generous donors and our new executive vice chancellor for academic affairs.
I want to thank the people and agencies mentioned in this report for their dedication and support of our fine institution. These initiatives would not have been possible without your help.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ray Wallace, Chancellor
Indiana University Southeast