Year in Review
2018 - 2019
August 2018

First cohort of Master in Mental Health Counseling begins.
Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council awards new grant to Dean’s Alliance.
September 2018

Dr. Veronica Medina speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with topic: “Neoliberalism: Poison or Panacea?”
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated with several events including presentations from Drs. Staten, Dauer, Ortiz, Gritter, Kordsmeier and Medina along with the Criminal Justice Association’s showing of “Documented: A Film by an Undocumented American.”
Chancellor Wallace presents these Social Sciences faculty with the following awards:
Dr. Margot Morgan: Faculty Innovator of the YearDr. Terry Burger: Distinguished Part-Time Faculty Teaching Award
Dr. Jennifer Ortiz: Diversity Award
Dr. Jennifer Ortiz named to New Albany’s Human Rights Commission
October 2018

IU Southeast hosts Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences featuring keynote speaker, former U.S. House of Representative Lee Hamilton. Dr. Diane Wille is awarded the J. Carl Metz Award for Outstanding Service to the organization.
Dr. Rhonda Wrzenski speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with topic: “Riding the Pink Wave: Gender in the 2018 Midterm Elections”
Social Sciences Forum features Drs. Aimee Adam, Sara Hare and Rhonda Wrzenski with the topic “Unfinished Business: Representation and Diversity in Politics, Pop Culture, and the Media”
School of Social Sciences hosts the annual Alumni Networking Event at Habana Blues.
Horizon wins Newspaper Pacemaker award from the Associated Collegiate Press (its 2nd award since 2015).
School of Social Sciences hosts the annual High School Media Day event
November 2018

Ron Allman speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with topic: “Journalism Ethics in the Trump Era”
College Democrats and Republicans host an Election Watch Party with the help of Dr. Rhonda Wrzenski.
IU Southeast hosts the College Model UN with guests from the University of Evansville, the University of Louisville and the University of Indianapolis, with assistance from Dr. Cliff Staten.
December 2018

School of Social Sciences donates food, blankets and other supplies for the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana.
Dr. Deborah Finkel speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with the topic: “Twin Studies: So What’s the Answer?”
The Louisville Italians (the Italian-American Association of Louisville) makes a donation to IU Southeast in honor of the late Dr. Bernie Carducci.
Dr. Melissa Fry named Indiana University Bicentennial Professor.
Release of Dr. Adam Maksl’s co-authored book American Journalism and ‘Fake News’ Examining the Facts.
January 2019

Dr. Christine Adams receives Multi-Section Course Enhancement Grant to work on integrating more high-impact practices into lower-level psychology courses.
Dr. Yu Shen speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with the topic: “Holidays in Asian Countries.”
Dr. Jean Abshire recognized as a Faculty Innovator on IU Southeast’s campus.
February 2019

Dr. Melissa Fry speaks at Social Sciences on Tap with the topic: “Early Care and Education: Improving Everyone’s Bottom Line!”
Dr. Robin Morgan earns a Quality Matters certification for her Behavioral Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence course.
Drs. Veronica Medina and Jennifer Ortiz lead a group of IU Southeast students at the Indiana Latino Leadership Conference in Bloomington. IU Southeast will host the conference in 2020.
March 2019

Civic Engagement Series kicks off with events in March and April.
History major, Mary Beth Ames is selected as IU Southeast’s Fellow to IU Bloomington for the upcoming summer season, researching the history of the Revolutionary United States.
April 2019

Social Sciences Forum presents “Hungry for Change” What We Eat and Why It Matters,” with speakers Melanie Hughes and
Drs. Meghan Kahn and Lucinda Woodward.
Criminology & Criminal Justice major Kimberly Wrigley selected as one of IU’s Regional Law Scholars to attend
IUPUI’s McKinney School of Law.
Dr. Jean Abshire is selected as an Indiana University Mosaic Fellow, supporting innovative classroom design, research and active learning in all IU classrooms.
May 2019

101 Social Sciences students graduate with bachelors degrees, and 44% have a double major, minor, or certificate.
Drs. Jennifer Ortiz, Margot Morgan, Todd Manson and Adam Maksl receive Trustee Teaching Awards.
Social Sciences on Tap event: Dr. Cliff Staten’s Last Lecture is a look back on his 30 years of teaching at IU Southeast.