Letter From a Graduating Senior

Dear IU Southeast School of Social Sciences and Psychology Faculty:

For me, IU Southeast has not been just a university that supports students’ academics and the reputation of the school, but it is a community where everyone plays a part to facilitate an environment where everyone feels supported, respected, and welcome. The faculty and staff at the School of Social Sciences have gone above and beyond to support me in my academic, professional, and personal goals. Any time I needed help with a problem, I’ve always felt welcome.

At IU Southeast I felt like I was a part of a large family where everyone was looking out for each others’ best interests. When I wanted to raise awareness for veteran mental health issues and PTSD, Bryan Henderson, the president of the Student Veterans Association, and I were immediately directed to the right resources to coordinate to put on an informative and emotionally impactful event. Cory Byers, a fellow psychology student, and Dr. Michael Day, director of personal counseling and a psychology adjunct faculty member, raised suicide awareness for the entire community with the Out of Darkness event last fall semester.

IU Southeast has helped me become a better version of myself, and I believe it has made Kentuckiana as a whole better as well. IU Southeast and the School of Social Sciences will always be a part of who I am, moving forward in my life, and I will always have the experience of the last four years to look back on and be grateful. Knowing I am not alone with these feelings, I am especially grateful.

Eric Finney, a psychology major, sent along a touching note about his education and the impact of IU Southeast on himself and the community. The psychology faculty awarded Finney with the distinction of being one of their Outstanding students and he won the Outstanding Oral Presentation for Business at the IU Southeast’s Research and Creativity Conference in April. Finney will be attending Cornell University’s Master of Industrial and Labor Relations Program in the Fall.